Federal water managers released a report Monday projecting that Lake
Mead's water levels will fall below a point in January 2017 that would
force supply cuts to Arizona and Nevada.
The effects could be
serious. Arizona's allocation of Colorado River water could be cut 11.4
percent, or by an amount normally used by more than 600,000 homes.
Nevada's share could be reduced 4.3 percent. Think 26,000 homes.
officials heading water agencies in the two states and California took a
wait-and-see approach to the projections posted by the U.S. Bureau of
They pointed to fluctuations in precipitation levels
just since January. They added that more will be known in August when
the bureau knows how much runoff in the upper-basin states of Colorado,
New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming reaches the Lake Powell reservoir.
will determine how much water the agency controlling a Colorado River
water system crucial to about 40 million residents in seven Southwest
U.S. states will release from Lake Powell through the Grand Canyon to
Lake Mead near Las Vegas.
"A lot is going to depend on
precipitation and flows from the tributaries," said David Modeer,
general manager of the Central Arizona Project, the main water agency in
the lower-basin state that would be affected the most.
"We don't
think it means a whole lot right now because we have another couple of
months to determine the release out of Lake Powell," he said.
so-called interim guidelines issued Monday by the Bureau of Reclamation
predict water levels will be just 2 feet above a key trigger point next
January on Lake Mead, the reservoir behind Hoover Dam.
The lake
was 37 percent full on Monday, said Dan Bunk, the Bureau of
Reclamation's water operations manager. Its water surface level of 1,077
above sea level was 2 feet above the crucial 1,075-foot line.
so-called interim guidelines chart a wobbly series of historically low
water levels at Lake Mead — dropping to as much as 1,054 feet next
summer and 1,052 feet in April 2017. But it would be about 1,077 this
coming January, the point in time when a declaration of water shortage
for 2016 would be made.
Lake Powell, behind the Glen Canyon Dam
straddling the Utah-Arizona border, was 45 percent full on Monday. Bunk
said that if Powell remains above its own trigger point, water releases
to Lake Mead could remain robust and Lake Mead could remain above 1,070
feet through 2016.
"We haven't made any shortage projection. That would be done in August 2016," Bunk said.
Mead reached its high-water capacity in 1983 at 1,225 feet. It reaches
so-called "dead pool" at just under 900 feet, meaning nothing would flow
downstream from Hoover Dam.
Las Vegas and its 2 million residents and 40 million tourists a year get almost all their drinking water from Lake Mead.
Entsminger, general manager of the regional Southern Nevada Water
Authority, said he believed conservation efforts like those now being
adopted in California have put Las Vegas in a position to handle any
initial shortage reductions "without significant impact."
is no doubt that this drought is serious," he said, "and the projections
from the Bureau of Reclamation continue to reaffirm that reality."
Hasencamp, Colorado River resources chief for the Metropolitan Water
District of Southern California, said he saw reason to prepare, not
Drought-stricken California will continue to be able to
draw its 4.4 million acre-foot allocation of Colorado River water even
if Arizona and Nevada are affected.
"But we lose flexibility,
which is a pretty big deal because we serve just under 19 million
people," Hasencamp said. "We know a shortage is coming at some point."
By Ken Ritter, Associated Press
Blog of the author Marco Marek, Hyperearth fantasy ebook, available on Amazon and Smashwords
Friday, May 29, 2015
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
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Wishing a new great week, i would like to remind that Hyperearth is with 50% off
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The best gift to give to an author is the review, because over than know the opinion of the reader we can interact with them and also improve to know what are the suggest for the next book/sequel.
The review is also useful for other readers that didn't notice the book or they not sure if they want to buy or not.
#bookboost #bookreview #IndieBookBeSeen #amwriting
Friday, May 22, 2015
Time Travel: Theories, Paradoxes & Possibilities
The reality, however, is more muddled. Not all scientists believe that time travel is possible. Some even say that an attempt would be fatal to any human who chooses to undertake it.
Understanding time
What is time? While most people think of time as a constant, physicist Albert Einstein showed that time is an illusion; it is relative — it can vary for different observers depending on your speed through space. To Einstein, time is the "fourth dimension." Space is described as a three-dimensional arena, which provides a traveler with coordinates — such as length, width and height —showing location. Time provides another coordinate — direction — although conventionally, it only moves forward. (Conversely, a new theory asserts that time is "real.")Einstein's theory of special relativity says that time slows down or speeds up depending on how fast you move relative to something else. Approaching the speed of light, a person inside a spaceship would age much slower than his twin at home. Also, under Einstein's theory of general relativity, gravity can bend time.
Einstein's theory of special relativity says that time slows down or speeds up depending on how fast you move relative to something else. Approaching the speed of light, a person inside a spaceship would age much slower than his twin at home. Also, under Einstein's theory of general relativity, gravity can bend time.
Picture a four-dimensional fabric called space-time. When anything that has mass sits on that piece of fabric, it causes a dimple or a bending of space-time. The bending of space-time causes objects to move on a curved path and that curvature of space is what we know as gravity.
Both the general and special relativity theories have been proven with GPS satellite technology that has very accurate timepieces on board. The effects of gravity, as well as the satellites' increased speed above the Earth relative to observers on the ground, make the unadjusted clocks gain 38 microseconds a day. (Engineers make calibrations to account for the difference.)
In a sense, this effect, called time dilation, means astronauts are time travelers, as they return to Earth very, very slightly younger than their identical twins that remain on the planet.
Through the wormhole
General relativity also provides scenarios that could allow travelers to go back in time, according to NASA. The equations, however, might be difficult to physically achieve.One possibility could be to go faster than light, which travels at 186,282 miles per second (299,792 kilometers per second) in a vacuum. Einstein's equations, though, show that an object at the speed of light would have both infinite mass and a length of 0. This appears to be physically impossible, although some scientists have extended his equations and said it might be done.
A linked possibility, NASA stated, would be to create "wormholes" between points in space-time. While Einstein's equations provide for them, they would collapse very quickly and would only be suitable for very small particles. Also, scientists haven't actually observed these wormholes yet. Also, the technology needed to create a wormhole is far beyond anything we have today.
Alternate time travel theories
While Einstein's theories appear to make time travel difficult, some groups have proposed alternate solutions to jump back and forth in time.Infinite cylinder
Astronomer Frank Tipler proposed a mechanism (sometimes known as a Tipler Cylinder) where one would take matter that is 10 times the sun's mass, then roll it into very long but very dense cylinder.
After spinning this up a few billion revolutions per minute, a spaceship nearby — following a very precise spiral around this cylinder — could get itself on a "closed, time-like curve", according to the Anderson Institute. There are limitations with this method, however, including the fact that the cylinder needs to be infinitely long for this to work.
Black holes
Another possibility would be to move a ship rapidly around a black hole, or to artificially create that condition with a huge, rotating structure.
"Around and around they'd go, experiencing just half the time of everyone far away from the black hole. The ship and its crew would be traveling through time," physicist Stephen Hawking wrote in the Daily Mail in 2010.
"Imagine they circled the black hole for five of their years. Ten years would pass elsewhere. When they got home, everyone on Earth would have aged five years more than they had."
However, he added, the crew would need to travel around the speed of light for this to work. Physicist Amos Iron at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel pointed out another limitation if one used a machine: it might fall apart before being able to rotate that quickly.
Cosmic strings
Another theory for potential time travelers involves something called cosmic strings — narrow tubes of energy stretched across the entire length of the ever-expanding universe. These thin regions, left over from the early cosmos, are predicted to contain huge amounts of mass and therefore could warp the space-time around them.
Cosmic strings are either infinite or they’re in loops, with no ends, scientists say. The approach of two such strings parallel to each other would bend space-time so vigorously and in such a particular configuration that might make time travel possible, in theory.
Time machines
It is generally understood that traveling forward or back in time would require a device — a time machine — to take you there. Time machine research often involves bending space-time so far that time lines turn back on themselves to form a loop, technically known as a "closed time-like curve."To accomplish this, time machines often are thought to need an exotic form of matter with so-called "negative energy density." Such exotic matter has bizarre properties, including moving in the opposite direction of normal matter when pushed. Such matter could theoretically exist, but if it did, it might be present only in quantities too small for the construction of a time machine.
However, time-travel research suggests time machines are possible without exotic matter. The work begins with a doughnut-shaped hole enveloped within a sphere of normal matter. Inside this doughnut-shaped vacuum, space-time could get bent upon itself using focused gravitational fields to form a closed time-like curve. To go back in time, a traveler would race around inside the doughnut, going further back into the past with each lap. This theory has a number of obstacles, however. The gravitational fields required to make such a closed time-like curve would have to be very strong, and manipulating them would have to be very precise.
Grandfather paradox
Besides the physics problems, time travel may also come with some unique situations. A classic example is the grandfather paradox, in which a time traveler goes back and kills his parents or his grandfather — the major plot line in the "Terminator" movies — or otherwise interferes in their relationship — think "Back to the Future" — so that he is never born or his life is forever altered.If that were to happen, some physicists say, you would be not be born in one parallel universe but still born in another. Others say that the photons that make up light prefer self-consistency in timelines, which would interfere with your evil, suicidal plan.
Some scientists disagree with the options mentioned above and say time travel is impossible no matter what your method. The faster-than-light one in particular drew derision from American Museum of Natural History astrophysicist Charles Lu.
That "simply, mathematically, doesn't work," he said in a past interview with sister site LiveScience.
Also, humans may not be able to withstand time travel at all. Traveling nearly the speed of light would only take a centrifuge, but that would be lethal, said Jeff Tollaksen, a professor of physics at Chapman University, in 2012.
Using gravity would also be deadly. To experience time dilation, one could stand on a neutron star, but the forces a person would experience would rip you apart first.
So is time travel possible?
While time travel does not appear possible — at least, possible in the sense that the humans would survive it — with the physics that we use today, the field is constantly changing. Advances in quantum theories could perhaps provide some understanding of how to overcome time travel paradoxes.One possibility, although it would not necessarily lead to time travel, is solving the mystery of how certain particles can communicate instantaneously with each other faster than the speed of light.
In the meantime, however, interested time travelers can at least experience it vicariously through movies, television and books.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
7 lessons you need to learn when writing your book
Ever wanted to write a book? Do you have an unfinished opus about your expertise sitting on your laptop? How about the next Harry Potter or crime thriller?
When I was six, I wrote an elaborate children's story about a family of mice who vacation at Disneyworld. I detailed their quaint village, their quirky personalities and every road trip adventure they encountered along the way. I never quite finished the tale, but I relished the creative writing process. Explains all the poems, unpublished essays, and Chapter One's sitting on my laptop, gathering dust.
Fast forward to now: I have now authored two books and published several print and online articles. I learned a lot along the way, whether from doing things the wrong way, shattering long-held myths or getting blindsided by things I never expected.
Here are seven valuable lessons from my journey to help you with your future screenplay, non-fiction best-seller or literary novel.
- 1. Discipline your muse:
- 2. Commit out loud:
- 3. Get comfortable with feedback:
- 4. Picture your reader:
- 5. Prepare for diverse reactions:
- 6. Prepare for self-doubt....often:
- 7. It's your story...TELL IT!
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/maria-ross/7-lessons-you-need-to-learn-when-writing-your-book- _b_7295210.html
Follow Maria Ross on Twitter: www.twitter.com/@redslice
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
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Sunday, May 17, 2015
How to write with Substance
Nothing drags down writing more than spreading good ideas over too many words.
Making keystrokes matter has only grown in importance as communication and the text that powers it become increasingly inseparable. Many tools we rely on each day--Gmail, Slack, Asana--would be empty shells without the words.
Since everyone in the company is responsible for communicating well, everyone is also responsible for writing well. The importance of this is multiplied when working in a remote culture.
For essays, updates, announcements, emails, and more, here's an abridged guide to writing with clarity and substance.
Write to express, not to impress
Communication is a mix of vision and conversation. Having noticed something interesting, you now seek to direct the attention of the reader so that they might see it with their own eyes. What you choose to write is for the use of someone else. Always choose selflessly.
The bloated prose found in academia and "legalese" is a reminder of what's at stake. In The Sense of Style, Harvard linguist Steven Pinker points out that smart people sour their thoughts through attempts to impress others. They spurn simplicity from a desire to prove that they are not bad scientists, lawyers, or academics--in doing so, they unwittingly prove they are bad communicators.
Half the battle with writing is resisting this temptation of the ego. Stick to being straightforward, trust in plain language, and don't use vocabulary to inflate weak ideas.
Brainstorm horizontally, revise vertically
What makes for a boring novel is the same as what makes for boring non-fiction: the story grows horizontally instead of vertically.
Writing that is "too wide" tries to explain everything but ends up saying nothing. Part of writing well is deciding where one piece ends and another begins. If you don't hold the line, you'll be dragged around by it.
The happy medium? Temporarily lower your standards for the approach. Since expressing ideas helps to form them, you'll find sitting down to write creates perspectives you never saw coming. That's a good thing.
From there you'll have enough to make the hard but necessary decisions about which points to expand and which to save for another day. Your process will begin to resemble the following:
People mistakenly expect to hit the bulls-eye on the first pass. Abandon the idea that your first draft should be anything but exploration.
If you don't subsequently cut out 5, 10, or even 20% of your work in revision, have you really refined anything? Sculptors have marble and writers have ideas; it's best to start with a block of material and whittle away to what's needed.
Write for an audience of one
Second to his investing talents, Warren Buffet is known for having a deep-rooted respect for clear communication within companies. His own shareholder letters are so well written that they are often considered the gold standard for the medium.
When introducing the SEC's official Plain English Handbook, Buffet chose to offer up his "unoriginal but useful tip" to act as if you are communicating to a single person.
Buffet usually writes with one of his sisters in mind, noting that while highly intelligent, she has little experience with investing. If he sees a passage that will confuse her, he knows he hasn't written it properly.
Stephen King suggests the same approach in his book On Writing. Picturing his wife combing through each line, he found himself able to create around reactions. Where would she become bored, laugh, be surprised, or skim until the story picked up? He knew the answer because he knew the reader.
Writing to delight a single person whose tastes you understand is practical; writing to appease a faceless audience whose tastes you will never know is impossible.
No need to worry. Picking the right person and conveying your message with care will make what is fascinating to one enjoyable for many.
Relentlessly re-earn attention
David Ogilvy famously said that once the advertising headline is written, you've spent eighty cents of your dollar. You must open with gusto. Captivating titles and hooks won't soon lose their ability to move mountains (and millions).
But great writing doesn't just earn attention; it continually re-earns it. Lose people in the middle and the complete story won't be told. No matter how grand a first impression you make, if it doesn't sustain, that counts as a loss.
Here are a few ways to catch and keep readers until the final line:
Never bury the lede. Make the value proposition clear from the outset in everything you write. If your objective and the reader's incentive are not obvious within the first few paragraphs, re-write them.
Dress your thoughts well. One of my dad's favorite expressions is, "Exercise improves everything." It captures the life-changing transformation that occurred when he took up bodybuilding. "Working out is good for you" imitates the brevity but loses the punch. Often a re-framing is all that's needed to make an accurate statement a timeless one.
Avoid circular and repeated points. "In other words," you should just use those other words. Insight is memorable when it can be embraced directly--don't pad it with "essentially," "basically," or "in other words." Use the right words the first time.
Structure cannot be an afterthought. The best writing is that which pleases at a glance but further rewards careful study. How you structure a piece matters, as do the words that create the structure. You've made a mistake when you start using sub-headings like "In Conclusion." There are far more compelling ways to communicate.
Meandering endings will dilute your message. It's best to approach them quickly. Paul Graham handles this one with grace, so I'll let him bring it home: "Learn to recognize the approach of an ending, and when one appears, grab it."
Gregory Ciotti on Twitter: www.twitter.com/GregoryCiotti
Making keystrokes matter has only grown in importance as communication and the text that powers it become increasingly inseparable. Many tools we rely on each day--Gmail, Slack, Asana--would be empty shells without the words.
Since everyone in the company is responsible for communicating well, everyone is also responsible for writing well. The importance of this is multiplied when working in a remote culture.
For essays, updates, announcements, emails, and more, here's an abridged guide to writing with clarity and substance.
Write to express, not to impress
Communication is a mix of vision and conversation. Having noticed something interesting, you now seek to direct the attention of the reader so that they might see it with their own eyes. What you choose to write is for the use of someone else. Always choose selflessly.
The bloated prose found in academia and "legalese" is a reminder of what's at stake. In The Sense of Style, Harvard linguist Steven Pinker points out that smart people sour their thoughts through attempts to impress others. They spurn simplicity from a desire to prove that they are not bad scientists, lawyers, or academics--in doing so, they unwittingly prove they are bad communicators.
Half the battle with writing is resisting this temptation of the ego. Stick to being straightforward, trust in plain language, and don't use vocabulary to inflate weak ideas.
Brainstorm horizontally, revise vertically
What makes for a boring novel is the same as what makes for boring non-fiction: the story grows horizontally instead of vertically.
Writing that is "too wide" tries to explain everything but ends up saying nothing. Part of writing well is deciding where one piece ends and another begins. If you don't hold the line, you'll be dragged around by it.
The happy medium? Temporarily lower your standards for the approach. Since expressing ideas helps to form them, you'll find sitting down to write creates perspectives you never saw coming. That's a good thing.
From there you'll have enough to make the hard but necessary decisions about which points to expand and which to save for another day. Your process will begin to resemble the following:
People mistakenly expect to hit the bulls-eye on the first pass. Abandon the idea that your first draft should be anything but exploration.
If you don't subsequently cut out 5, 10, or even 20% of your work in revision, have you really refined anything? Sculptors have marble and writers have ideas; it's best to start with a block of material and whittle away to what's needed.
Write for an audience of one
Second to his investing talents, Warren Buffet is known for having a deep-rooted respect for clear communication within companies. His own shareholder letters are so well written that they are often considered the gold standard for the medium.
When introducing the SEC's official Plain English Handbook, Buffet chose to offer up his "unoriginal but useful tip" to act as if you are communicating to a single person.
Buffet usually writes with one of his sisters in mind, noting that while highly intelligent, she has little experience with investing. If he sees a passage that will confuse her, he knows he hasn't written it properly.
Stephen King suggests the same approach in his book On Writing. Picturing his wife combing through each line, he found himself able to create around reactions. Where would she become bored, laugh, be surprised, or skim until the story picked up? He knew the answer because he knew the reader.
Writing to delight a single person whose tastes you understand is practical; writing to appease a faceless audience whose tastes you will never know is impossible.
No need to worry. Picking the right person and conveying your message with care will make what is fascinating to one enjoyable for many.
Relentlessly re-earn attention
David Ogilvy famously said that once the advertising headline is written, you've spent eighty cents of your dollar. You must open with gusto. Captivating titles and hooks won't soon lose their ability to move mountains (and millions).
But great writing doesn't just earn attention; it continually re-earns it. Lose people in the middle and the complete story won't be told. No matter how grand a first impression you make, if it doesn't sustain, that counts as a loss.
Here are a few ways to catch and keep readers until the final line:
Never bury the lede. Make the value proposition clear from the outset in everything you write. If your objective and the reader's incentive are not obvious within the first few paragraphs, re-write them.
Dress your thoughts well. One of my dad's favorite expressions is, "Exercise improves everything." It captures the life-changing transformation that occurred when he took up bodybuilding. "Working out is good for you" imitates the brevity but loses the punch. Often a re-framing is all that's needed to make an accurate statement a timeless one.
Avoid circular and repeated points. "In other words," you should just use those other words. Insight is memorable when it can be embraced directly--don't pad it with "essentially," "basically," or "in other words." Use the right words the first time.
Structure cannot be an afterthought. The best writing is that which pleases at a glance but further rewards careful study. How you structure a piece matters, as do the words that create the structure. You've made a mistake when you start using sub-headings like "In Conclusion." There are far more compelling ways to communicate.
Meandering endings will dilute your message. It's best to approach them quickly. Paul Graham handles this one with grace, so I'll let him bring it home: "Learn to recognize the approach of an ending, and when one appears, grab it."
Gregory Ciotti on Twitter: www.twitter.com/GregoryCiotti
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Pacal the Maya astronaut
In the year 1952, the Mexican archaeologist Alberto Ruz discovered the tomb of King Pacal inside the Temple of Inscriptions of Palenque in Chiapas, Mexico. This region was once protected by a number of logs placed in a defensive and fortified way around the temples of Palenque. At the entrance of the temple there were a total of 620 inscriptions near the tomb of King Pacal who, according to the symbols, was born in Palenque, started ruling over the Mayan empire when he was 12 years old and remained in power for a total of 65 years before his death at the age of 80. One of the curiosities is that the Temple of Pacal is the only pyramid in the new world where a crypt was found, defining the pyramid as a burial place just like the ancient Egyptians.
The tomb weight reached the 20 tons and it was build better than the entrance stone that was removed before the findings, which make archeologist believes that the temple was constructed after the crypt was put in place.
One of the most important aspects of the crypt was the cover stone. It weighted 5 tons and it have an inscription on top that, according to the first archeologist who studied, show the representation of the decent of King Pacal to the underworld and the Mayan believe of the three worlds: the heavens or world above, the world of the living and the world of the dead. Other archeologist interpreted the hieroglyphics as describing the presence of the monster from the deeps of the earth, the Mayan sacred tree and the hairs of the god of rain, but it was the third interpretation and the study of the remains that caused one of the greatest controversies on the world of archeology.
What it appeared to be to others… The controversy of the findings came years after the discovery when another group that studied the stone interpreted the hieroglyphics as what it appears to be some kind of propulsion machinery and a Mayan operating at the controls. From this theory and descriptions came the given name of "The Astronaut of Palenque". Also, and to add to the controversy, the results of the scientific research from the studies of the remains shows that the body is not from one of the Mayan descendants or is even close to the age described in the inscriptions. The body is more of like a full ground man of big stature and not similar at all to any of the Mayan body characteristics of any age. The remains appeared to be of a 40 to 50 year old man and not of an 80-year- old Mayan, matching the legends of the one of the Mayan gods "Votan", a white man of long stature and beard who came from "the other side", as it is described by the legend.
Apart from the inscriptions at the head stone of the crypt, there were other stones and inscriptions found in the Mayan city that showed similarities to, what it looks to some at first instance, as some type of human in front of controls while inside a capsule or enclosure.
In reality, there are more mysteries than answers surrounding the Mayan empire. They are the only civilization of the new world that vanished with very little evidence of what really happened to them or what was the cause of their disappearance. Some of today's archeologists are having conflicting theories explaining the disappearance of the Mayan people or understanding the Mayan number system or hieroglyphics without returning with different interpretations.
The Theories There are many people today who believe that the drawings on the stone are in fact the representation of some kind of ship with the operator inside and that the body found is non other than the pilot itself. Others believe that the remains belong to a European that, somehow, reached the new world before the Spanish colonist discovered America. They also believe that the drawings are misinterpreted when called "The Astronaut". Others, looking for explanations, go as far as including in their theories the ancient legend of "Erik the Red", who in the other side of the sea from the American continent, went in search of the earthly paradise toward "Wotan" or "Odin" which was in the same direction toward the Americas. Other group jumps to the conclusion to believe that the Mayan people were victims of a planetary ascension or abduction, therefore explaining how they acquired the knowledge of the advance architecture, astronomy and numeric system that the empire possessed.
The only current facts is that there are many books with theories regarding the Mayan empire and each lacks concrete evidence explaining the disappearance of these people or who is the tall man found in the tomb of King Pacal. As of now, the archeologist's discoveries on the Mayan Temples keep raising more questions than answers and keep adding wood to the fire of controversy.
In the year 1952, the Mexican archaeologist Alberto Ruz discovered the tomb of King Pacal inside the Temple of Inscriptions of Palenque in Chiapas, Mexico. This region was once protected by a number of logs placed in a defensive and fortified way around the temples of Palenque. At the entrance of the temple there were a total of 620 inscriptions near the tomb of King Pacal who, according to the symbols, was born in Palenque, started ruling over the Mayan empire when he was 12 years old and remained in power for a total of 65 years before his death at the age of 80. One of the curiosities is that the Temple of Pacal is the only pyramid in the new world where a crypt was found, defining the pyramid as a burial place just like the ancient Egyptians.
The tomb weight reached the 20 tons and it was build better than the entrance stone that was removed before the findings, which make archeologist believes that the temple was constructed after the crypt was put in place.
One of the most important aspects of the crypt was the cover stone. It weighted 5 tons and it have an inscription on top that, according to the first archeologist who studied, show the representation of the decent of King Pacal to the underworld and the Mayan believe of the three worlds: the heavens or world above, the world of the living and the world of the dead. Other archeologist interpreted the hieroglyphics as describing the presence of the monster from the deeps of the earth, the Mayan sacred tree and the hairs of the god of rain, but it was the third interpretation and the study of the remains that caused one of the greatest controversies on the world of archeology.
What it appeared to be to others… The controversy of the findings came years after the discovery when another group that studied the stone interpreted the hieroglyphics as what it appears to be some kind of propulsion machinery and a Mayan operating at the controls. From this theory and descriptions came the given name of "The Astronaut of Palenque". Also, and to add to the controversy, the results of the scientific research from the studies of the remains shows that the body is not from one of the Mayan descendants or is even close to the age described in the inscriptions. The body is more of like a full ground man of big stature and not similar at all to any of the Mayan body characteristics of any age. The remains appeared to be of a 40 to 50 year old man and not of an 80-year- old Mayan, matching the legends of the one of the Mayan gods "Votan", a white man of long stature and beard who came from "the other side", as it is described by the legend.
Apart from the inscriptions at the head stone of the crypt, there were other stones and inscriptions found in the Mayan city that showed similarities to, what it looks to some at first instance, as some type of human in front of controls while inside a capsule or enclosure.
In reality, there are more mysteries than answers surrounding the Mayan empire. They are the only civilization of the new world that vanished with very little evidence of what really happened to them or what was the cause of their disappearance. Some of today's archeologists are having conflicting theories explaining the disappearance of the Mayan people or understanding the Mayan number system or hieroglyphics without returning with different interpretations.
The Theories There are many people today who believe that the drawings on the stone are in fact the representation of some kind of ship with the operator inside and that the body found is non other than the pilot itself. Others believe that the remains belong to a European that, somehow, reached the new world before the Spanish colonist discovered America. They also believe that the drawings are misinterpreted when called "The Astronaut". Others, looking for explanations, go as far as including in their theories the ancient legend of "Erik the Red", who in the other side of the sea from the American continent, went in search of the earthly paradise toward "Wotan" or "Odin" which was in the same direction toward the Americas. Other group jumps to the conclusion to believe that the Mayan people were victims of a planetary ascension or abduction, therefore explaining how they acquired the knowledge of the advance architecture, astronomy and numeric system that the empire possessed.
The only current facts is that there are many books with theories regarding the Mayan empire and each lacks concrete evidence explaining the disappearance of these people or who is the tall man found in the tomb of King Pacal. As of now, the archeologist's discoveries on the Mayan Temples keep raising more questions than answers and keep adding wood to the fire of controversy.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Hyperearth Excerpt
Hello writers and readers,
I would like to post another excerpt of Hyperearth, and have good reading!
Martina unrolled
a yellowed map, elaborately detailed with mountains, grassland, lakes, and
rivers, but she noticed the northern coast of Antarctica was without a trace of
ice or snow. “I’ve read about this,” she commented. “But the language on this
map is incomprehensible.”
Danni hesitated,
not knowing what to say. “All I know is that this language is not from anywhere
close to where we live. The map must have been inherited. There are many
objects that Loken can’t even tell the origin of, nor who made them. Some of
them are many centuries old.”
“I see what you
mean,” Martina replied. “But I do know that the admiral Piri Reis drew maps of
Antarctica in 1513, before it had been discovered.”
Danni remarked.
“What if I told
you the last time that Antarctica was without ice was in 4000 BC?” Martina
further explained. “It’s incredible. A real mystery.”
Suddenly, Mary
barged in between the two girls, holding a wooden box in the shape of a cube.
“Look!” she exclaimed, rotating the box to show that each side was different
but contained a concentric star-shaped design made of metal. “I passed my
finger across it in a clockwise circle, trying to clean off the dust, and a
side opened!”
“Let’s try it
again,” Danni suggested. “I don’t remember this cube.” She moved her hand
around the top of the cube, and it suddenly opened, revealing a golden powder.
The cube quickly closed again, and the girls looked at each other, puzzled.
“Aha,” Danni remarked. “Now I remember. It’s the cube of desires.”
“A magic box?”
Mary asked.
“No,” Danni
replied. “It’s more complicated than that. First of all, it can only accept
desires that come from the heart. Second of all, it won’t accept greedy wishes,
like wealth or anything like that.”
“Sounds great!”
Martina exclaimed, smiling.
“It also won’t
accept desires to hurt people,” Danni continued.
“I could ask for
a boyfriend!” Martina said, beaming.
“But it’s not as
simple as you might think. There are many factors and rules that have to be
followed, and it takes time,” Danni explained.
“Well, we have
time,” Mary said. “We’ll be on this island until tomorrow, won’t we?”
“Then you could
try later, if your intentions are good,” Danni replied.
“Mine?” Martina
asked. “I think so, but I’ll leave it up to others to judge that.”
Meanwhile, they
curiously explored the many objects around them. Mary discovered a mirror with
a beautiful gilt frame, but when she tried to behold herself in the glass, she
didn’t see her reflection. She set it down and at first said nothing,
apprehensively trying to figure out an explanation.
“Well, I’ve
become invisible.” She finally exclaimed. “Come look at this, Martina!” Martina
approached her friend and took a look into the mirror, but also couldn’t see
herself. They called over Danni.
“You can’t see
yourselves because you come from Earth,” Danni explained. “Look, I can see
myself in the mirror.” She demonstrated, smiling, leaving Martina and Mary
shocked by this fact. But it was only the beginning of many more surprises to
come in this mysterious land.
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Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Ancient Flying Machines
Saqqara Airplane Model
This object (shown in sketch) was found in 1898 in a tomb at Saqqara, Egypt and was later dated as having been created near 200 BCE. As airplanes were unknown in the days when it was found, it was thrown into a box marked "wooden bird model" and then stored in the basement of the Cairo museum.
It was rediscovered by Dr. Khalil Messiha, who studied models made by ancients. The "discovery" was considered so important by the Egyptian government that a special committee of leading scientists was established to study the object.
To elucidate the reasons for the decision of the committee, almost unprecedented in the field of archeology, let's consider some aspects of the model. The model has the exact proportions of a very advanced form of "pusher-glider" that is still having "some bugs ironed out". This type of glider will stay in the air almost by itself—even a very small engine will keep it going at low speeds, as low as 45 to 65 mph., while it can carry an enormous payload. This ability is dependent on the curious shape of wings and their proportions. The tipping of wings downward, a reversedihedral wing as it is called, is the feature behind this capability. A similar type of curving wings are implemented on the Concorde airplane, giving the plane a maximum lift without detracting from its speed.
In that context, it seems rather incredible that someone, more than 2,000 years ago, for any reason, devised a model of a flying device with such advanced features, requiring quite extensive knowledge of aerodynamics. There were no such things as airplanes in these times, we are told by archeologists and historians. But this case seems to be an exception, living in the midst of the rather unimaginative and rigid paradigm of contemporary science. It is also necessary to point out that Egyptians are known to have nearly always made scale-models of projects and objects which they planned to create or build.
Precolombian Airplane Models
Is the concept of an airplane limited to Egypt? That doesn't seem to be the case. Gold trinkets were found in an area covering Central America and coastal areas of South America, estimated to belong to a period between 500 and 800 CE, but since they are made from gold, accurate dating is impossible and based essentially on stratigraphy which may be deceptive. However, we can safely say that these gold objects are more than 1000 years old.
As seen from the pictures, the shape of the sample object is rather ambiguous. The archaeologists labelled these objects as zoomorphic, meaning, animal shaped objects. The question is, what animal do they represent? When we compare these with other objects from the same cultures depicting animals, a curious facet of the comparison would be obvious: the other objects are recognizable, rendered usually with a great accuracy and attention to realistic detail.
There are several types of animals which fly—birds, insects, and several mammals, such as bats and some gliders, for instance flying squirrels, oppossums, and then there are some lizards; there are also some fish which for brief periods glide through the air. There are water animals which seem to fly through the water, such as rays, skates and some selachians. But how does the depicted object compare with these choices? All its features taken into a consideration, we have no match. Seen from above, the object obviously has no fish features, but seems to show rather explicitly mechanistic ones.
The structures just in front of the tail are strongly reminiscent of elevons (a combination of ailerons and elevators) with a slight forward curve, but they are attached to the fuselage, rather than the wings. In any case, they look more like airplane parts than like the claspers of a fish. If the two prominent spirals on the wings are supposed to be a stylized version of the eyes of a ray, then what are the two globular objects positioned on the head supposed to represent? To complicate the identification even more, the spirals on the wings have their copies positioned on the nose of the object, in the opposite direction. When the object is viewed in profile, the didsimilarity to anything from the animal kingdom is even more pronounced. If the zoomorphic explanation is supposed to hold, then why did the artist cut the head off almost three quarters from the body? And why is the nose is practically rectangular and the cut tilted forward, with eyes positioned at either side, when fish eyes are usually more near the center of bodyline and far forward on the head?
What we can make of the semicircular grooves on the inside of the cut? What is it supposed to be—fishwise? And what about the scoop, forward and under the cut? It is a scoop, not just a ridge for drilling a hole through to place the object on a necklace chain. Then there is another rectangular feature, positioned further back at the approximate center of gravity under the fuselage. The wings when viewed from the side are perfetly horizontal, but when seen from the front, they curve slightly downward. The elevators, which are right behind the wings, are positioned on a slightly higher horizontal level and are square-ended, thus a definite geometric shape. Above them is another rectangular shape, with a relief which may be reminiscent of knobs. The tail is equally intriguing. No fish has only a single, upright and perpendicular flange. But this tail fin has an exact shape of fins on modern airplanes. There are also some markings on the tail which are hard to identify, but it does not seem to be anything related to animals, either.
When all the features are taken into an account, the object does not look like a representation of any known animal at all, but does look astonishingly like an airplane. The photos and enlarged outline of the object has been submitted for an analysis to several people from the field of aerodynamics. One of them was Arthur Young, a designer of Bell helicopters and other aircraft. His analysis confirmed that the object contains many features which would fit the airplane hypothesis, but there were several ones which would not fit that scenario. Wings do seem to be in the wrong place—they should be further forward so that their 1/4-chord coincides with the center of gravity. The nose is not like anything on airplanes, as well. So, while the object is suggesting an airplane, some features would not seem to support this hypothesis.
But let's entertain several possibilities. If we imagine that the separation after the windshield is not a cockpit and that the pilot and the cargo were located somewhere in the main fuselage body, then we can envision the nose as something else. Let's assume that the nose is actually a jet. If the machine needs to slow down, the jet flow directed against the path of flight would accomplish just that. But how to redirect the jet into the opposite direction? If we envision the nose as a movable part of the plane, turning around the point located where the nose and fuselage meet, thus pivoting the nose downward to tuck it under the fuselage, that would enable the desired effect. What's more, it will re-adjust the center of gravity and the wings would be just in the right place for a high powered flight. Another problem, though, will appear and that is the drag which would be created by the back of the nose now positioned in front. But that can be attributed to artistic license. That seems to be the case, because several other similar planes feature the back part of the nose tilted more forward, so the angle of the back of the nose when pivoted is more corresponding to aerodynamic principles.
All things considered, the object seems to represent a convertible type of craft, with two possible configurations—one for ascent when the nose is facing backwards, and the other for descent with the nose facing forward. One unsolved item remains—the spirals on the both wings and the nose. According to Amerindian iconography, these spirals have discernable meaning—they represent ascending and descending, depending on whether they are right-oriented or left-oriented, respectively. As the spirals are not only on wings but also on the nose, the meaning is fairly obvious—the wings and the nose (as much) were the features which were directly involved in ascent and descent.
Text ©1996 Lumir G. Janku. All rights reserved.
This object (shown in sketch) was found in 1898 in a tomb at Saqqara, Egypt and was later dated as having been created near 200 BCE. As airplanes were unknown in the days when it was found, it was thrown into a box marked "wooden bird model" and then stored in the basement of the Cairo museum.
It was rediscovered by Dr. Khalil Messiha, who studied models made by ancients. The "discovery" was considered so important by the Egyptian government that a special committee of leading scientists was established to study the object.
To elucidate the reasons for the decision of the committee, almost unprecedented in the field of archeology, let's consider some aspects of the model. The model has the exact proportions of a very advanced form of "pusher-glider" that is still having "some bugs ironed out". This type of glider will stay in the air almost by itself—even a very small engine will keep it going at low speeds, as low as 45 to 65 mph., while it can carry an enormous payload. This ability is dependent on the curious shape of wings and their proportions. The tipping of wings downward, a reversedihedral wing as it is called, is the feature behind this capability. A similar type of curving wings are implemented on the Concorde airplane, giving the plane a maximum lift without detracting from its speed.
In that context, it seems rather incredible that someone, more than 2,000 years ago, for any reason, devised a model of a flying device with such advanced features, requiring quite extensive knowledge of aerodynamics. There were no such things as airplanes in these times, we are told by archeologists and historians. But this case seems to be an exception, living in the midst of the rather unimaginative and rigid paradigm of contemporary science. It is also necessary to point out that Egyptians are known to have nearly always made scale-models of projects and objects which they planned to create or build.
Precolombian Airplane Models
Is the concept of an airplane limited to Egypt? That doesn't seem to be the case. Gold trinkets were found in an area covering Central America and coastal areas of South America, estimated to belong to a period between 500 and 800 CE, but since they are made from gold, accurate dating is impossible and based essentially on stratigraphy which may be deceptive. However, we can safely say that these gold objects are more than 1000 years old.
As seen from the pictures, the shape of the sample object is rather ambiguous. The archaeologists labelled these objects as zoomorphic, meaning, animal shaped objects. The question is, what animal do they represent? When we compare these with other objects from the same cultures depicting animals, a curious facet of the comparison would be obvious: the other objects are recognizable, rendered usually with a great accuracy and attention to realistic detail.
There are several types of animals which fly—birds, insects, and several mammals, such as bats and some gliders, for instance flying squirrels, oppossums, and then there are some lizards; there are also some fish which for brief periods glide through the air. There are water animals which seem to fly through the water, such as rays, skates and some selachians. But how does the depicted object compare with these choices? All its features taken into a consideration, we have no match. Seen from above, the object obviously has no fish features, but seems to show rather explicitly mechanistic ones.
The structures just in front of the tail are strongly reminiscent of elevons (a combination of ailerons and elevators) with a slight forward curve, but they are attached to the fuselage, rather than the wings. In any case, they look more like airplane parts than like the claspers of a fish. If the two prominent spirals on the wings are supposed to be a stylized version of the eyes of a ray, then what are the two globular objects positioned on the head supposed to represent? To complicate the identification even more, the spirals on the wings have their copies positioned on the nose of the object, in the opposite direction. When the object is viewed in profile, the didsimilarity to anything from the animal kingdom is even more pronounced. If the zoomorphic explanation is supposed to hold, then why did the artist cut the head off almost three quarters from the body? And why is the nose is practically rectangular and the cut tilted forward, with eyes positioned at either side, when fish eyes are usually more near the center of bodyline and far forward on the head?
What we can make of the semicircular grooves on the inside of the cut? What is it supposed to be—fishwise? And what about the scoop, forward and under the cut? It is a scoop, not just a ridge for drilling a hole through to place the object on a necklace chain. Then there is another rectangular feature, positioned further back at the approximate center of gravity under the fuselage. The wings when viewed from the side are perfetly horizontal, but when seen from the front, they curve slightly downward. The elevators, which are right behind the wings, are positioned on a slightly higher horizontal level and are square-ended, thus a definite geometric shape. Above them is another rectangular shape, with a relief which may be reminiscent of knobs. The tail is equally intriguing. No fish has only a single, upright and perpendicular flange. But this tail fin has an exact shape of fins on modern airplanes. There are also some markings on the tail which are hard to identify, but it does not seem to be anything related to animals, either.
When all the features are taken into an account, the object does not look like a representation of any known animal at all, but does look astonishingly like an airplane. The photos and enlarged outline of the object has been submitted for an analysis to several people from the field of aerodynamics. One of them was Arthur Young, a designer of Bell helicopters and other aircraft. His analysis confirmed that the object contains many features which would fit the airplane hypothesis, but there were several ones which would not fit that scenario. Wings do seem to be in the wrong place—they should be further forward so that their 1/4-chord coincides with the center of gravity. The nose is not like anything on airplanes, as well. So, while the object is suggesting an airplane, some features would not seem to support this hypothesis.
But let's entertain several possibilities. If we imagine that the separation after the windshield is not a cockpit and that the pilot and the cargo were located somewhere in the main fuselage body, then we can envision the nose as something else. Let's assume that the nose is actually a jet. If the machine needs to slow down, the jet flow directed against the path of flight would accomplish just that. But how to redirect the jet into the opposite direction? If we envision the nose as a movable part of the plane, turning around the point located where the nose and fuselage meet, thus pivoting the nose downward to tuck it under the fuselage, that would enable the desired effect. What's more, it will re-adjust the center of gravity and the wings would be just in the right place for a high powered flight. Another problem, though, will appear and that is the drag which would be created by the back of the nose now positioned in front. But that can be attributed to artistic license. That seems to be the case, because several other similar planes feature the back part of the nose tilted more forward, so the angle of the back of the nose when pivoted is more corresponding to aerodynamic principles.
All things considered, the object seems to represent a convertible type of craft, with two possible configurations—one for ascent when the nose is facing backwards, and the other for descent with the nose facing forward. One unsolved item remains—the spirals on the both wings and the nose. According to Amerindian iconography, these spirals have discernable meaning—they represent ascending and descending, depending on whether they are right-oriented or left-oriented, respectively. As the spirals are not only on wings but also on the nose, the meaning is fairly obvious—the wings and the nose (as much) were the features which were directly involved in ascent and descent.
Text ©1996 Lumir G. Janku. All rights reserved.
Friday, May 8, 2015
#IndieBooksBeSeen: Hyperearth by Marco Marek
Hello writers and readers,
I'm on Indiebooksbeseen blog too, i like to support using the hashtag, reading and reviewing this indipendent ebooks.
And the best gift to an Indie author is to receive a review, so buy ebooks of Indie authors and write a review too !
Thanks to Mark Shaw, and DB Nielsen for add me.
#IndieBooksBeSeen #amwriting #Hyperearth #IARTG #Ian1 #Fantasy
I'm on Indiebooksbeseen blog too, i like to support using the hashtag, reading and reviewing this indipendent ebooks.
And the best gift to an Indie author is to receive a review, so buy ebooks of Indie authors and write a review too !
Thanks to Mark Shaw, and DB Nielsen for add me.
#IndieBooksBeSeen #amwriting #Hyperearth #IARTG #Ian1 #Fantasy
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Alien life within 20-30 years
'Definite Evidence' Of Alien Life Within 20-30 Years, NASA Chief Scientist Says
There will be "strong indications" of alien life within a decade and "definite evidence" of it within 20 to 30 years, NASA's chief scientist has said.
"We know where to look. We know how to look," Ellen Stofan said during a panel discussion Tuesday on NASA's search for alien life and habitable worlds. "In most cases, we have the technology, and we're on a path to implementing it."
But she was quick to add: "We are not talking about little green men. We are talking about little microbes."
Her colleague John Grunsfeld, a former astronaut and associate administrator for the agency's Science Mission Directorate, agreed.
"I think we're one generation away in our solar system, whether it's on an icy moon or on Mars, and one generation [away] on a planet around a nearby star," Grunsfeld said at the same discussion.
Jeffery Newmark, NASA's interim director of heliophysics, added: "It's definitely not an if, it's a when."
Scientists have been searching for extraterrestrial life for years. One way, as NPR's Geoff Brumfiel reported last year, was by searching for alien air pollution.
And recent discoveries suggest that several nearby planets — and their moons — could support some form of life. For example, Geoff reported last month, scientists said they thought there was a warm ocean on Saturn's moon Enceladus. NPR's Nell Greenfieldboyce reported last month that NASA scientists confirmed that Jupiter's moon Ganymede has a salty ocean below its surface. Scientists believe that the presence of water is one possible sign of life.
This artist rendering shows Kepler-11, a sun-like star
around which six planets orbit. A planet-hunting telescope is finding
whole new worlds of possibilities in the search for alien life,
including more than 50 potential planets that initially appear to be in
habitable zones. The agency's chief scientist said Tuesday there will be
"strong indications" of alien life within a decade.
NASA/AP Monday, May 4, 2015
Sunday Excerpt
Hello writers and readers,
wishing a good sunday i post another excerpt of Hyperearth:
Martina and Mary
found themselves looking forward to the next day. They were happy in Bosk, had
made new friends, and the surprises they had encountered so far thrilled them.
The next day began with Bear and Danni waiting for their two new companions,
ready to trek out on a new adventure. Bear was already outside on the road,
equipped with provisions for their journey. “Let’s get going!” He said eagerly
to the group.
“Where are we
going today?” Mary asked.
“We’re going to
the caves of Angor,” Danni replied. “They’re close to here, and anyway, we have
to cross them to reach the sea.”
After a half
hour of walking, they had arrived. Like Bosk, the caves were a bit gloomy, and
Martina was less motivated to enter them even though they piqued her curiosity.
“Is everyone allowed to come here?” she asked Bear.
“Yes,” he
replied. “Even Sathon. But it’s rare that he comes here. Now take out that
stone that you have in your bag.”
“It lights up!”
Mary remarked, surprised.
“So we can see
in the dark,” Bear explained. “It’s a special mineral called Barton that glows
in the dark.” The Barton stone managed to do its job and the group was able to
see quite well.
“We’ll encounter
some unexpected things,” Danni warned the two girls. “But don’t worry. We’ll be
okay.” The girls looked at each other with apprehensive smiles, and continued
to follow their companions through the cave. The group reached a small bridge
constructed of wood and woven rope, which appeared to not be the most secure of
structures to cross.
“Be careful,”
Bear warned them. “Some of these wooden parts are broken, so be sure not to
step on them, and hold on tight.”
They began to
cross the bridge with Bear leading, walking briskly to avoid the gaps and
broken pieces of the bridge. Following him was Martina, then Mary, then Danni,
and then Hennig. As she crossed, Mary furtively looked through a hole in the
bridge, holding her breath as she beheld the sharp rocks and torrents of water
“Mary, don’t
look down. Let me give you a hand,” Hennig offered from behind her.
Hennig,” Mary managed to say between nervous breaths as she reached the end of
the bridge, realizing she didn’t need his help.
They continued
on throughout the cave and reached a fork in the road, where they turned right.
The cave interior was cold but damp, and the group walked beside a rocky stream
of water that shimmered in gold and a rainbow of colors. The group reached a
statue carved out of the wall, depicting a soldier with armor made of iron and
“We can’t go
forward,” Bear advised the group. “Part of the path is broken. But we can swing
from a rope to the other side of the trail. The gap is only ten feet.”
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